Case Study: Fake News Detection


In a world that’s becoming more and more connected, it is easier for lies to spread. It turns out that with a dataset consisting of news articles classified as either reliable or not it is possible to detect fake news. Artificial Intelligence or Machine learning-based fake news detector is crucial for companies and media to automatically predict whether circulating news is fake or not. In this project, a recurrent neural network (LSTM) will be train to predict if the news is classified as true or fake.


  • Build a system to identify unreliable news articles.


  • Dataset composed of subject, title, text and date.


  • Ahmed H, Traore I, Saad S. “Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification”, Journal of Security and Privacy, Volume 1, Issue 1, Wiley, January/February 2018.

  • Ahmed H, Traore I, Saad S. (2017) “Detection of Online Fake News Using N-Gram Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques. In: Traore I., Woungang I., Awad A. (eds) Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments. ISDDC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10618. Springer, Cham (pp. 127-138).


Import Libraries And data

In [4]:
# Import libaries
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
import nltk
import re
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer, WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
import gensim
from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess
from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import STOPWORDS

# import keras
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import one_hot, Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Flatten, Embedding, Input, LSTM, Conv1D, MaxPool1D, Bidirectional
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

# Import theme
# from jupyterthemes import jtplot
#'monokai', context='notebook', ticks=True, grid=False) 
In [5]:
# load the data
df_true = pd.read_csv("True.csv")
df_fake = pd.read_csv("Fake.csv")

Data Exploration

In [6]:
# Check true data
title text subject date
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews December 31, 2017
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews December 29, 2017
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews December 31, 2017
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews December 30, 2017
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews December 29, 2017
In [10]:
# Check true data info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21417 entries, 0 to 21416
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------   --------------  ----- 
 0   title    21417 non-null  object
 1   text     21417 non-null  object
 2   subject  21417 non-null  object
 3   date     21417 non-null  object
dtypes: object(4)
memory usage: 669.4+ KB
In [11]:
# Check true data for missing values
title      0
text       0
subject    0
date       0
dtype: int64
In [7]:
# Check fake data
title text subject date
0 Donald Trump Sends Out Embarrassing New Year’... Donald Trump just couldn t wish all Americans ... News December 31, 2017
1 Drunk Bragging Trump Staffer Started Russian ... House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nu... News December 31, 2017
2 Sheriff David Clarke Becomes An Internet Joke... On Friday, it was revealed that former Milwauk... News December 30, 2017
3 Trump Is So Obsessed He Even Has Obama’s Name... On Christmas day, Donald Trump announced that ... News December 29, 2017
4 Pope Francis Just Called Out Donald Trump Dur... Pope Francis used his annual Christmas Day mes... News December 25, 2017
In [12]:
# Check true data info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 23481 entries, 0 to 23480
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------   --------------  ----- 
 0   title    23481 non-null  object
 1   text     23481 non-null  object
 2   subject  23481 non-null  object
 3   date     23481 non-null  object
dtypes: object(4)
memory usage: 733.9+ KB
In [13]:
# Check fake data for missing values
title      0
text       0
subject    0
date       0
dtype: int64

Data Preprocessing

In [14]:
# add a target class column to indicate whether the news is real or fake
df_true['isfake'] = 1

# Check data
title text subject date isfake
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews December 31, 2017 1
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews December 29, 2017 1
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews December 31, 2017 1
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews December 30, 2017 1
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews December 29, 2017 1
In [15]:
# add a target class column to indicate whether the news is real or fake
df_fake['isfake'] = 0

# Check data
title text subject date isfake
0 Donald Trump Sends Out Embarrassing New Year’... Donald Trump just couldn t wish all Americans ... News December 31, 2017 0
1 Drunk Bragging Trump Staffer Started Russian ... House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nu... News December 31, 2017 0
2 Sheriff David Clarke Becomes An Internet Joke... On Friday, it was revealed that former Milwauk... News December 30, 2017 0
3 Trump Is So Obsessed He Even Has Obama’s Name... On Christmas day, Donald Trump announced that ... News December 29, 2017 0
4 Pope Francis Just Called Out Donald Trump Dur... Pope Francis used his annual Christmas Day mes... News December 25, 2017 0
In [16]:
# Concatenate Real and Fake News
df = pd.concat([df_true, df_fake]).reset_index(drop = True)
In [17]:
# Check data
title text subject date isfake
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews December 31, 2017 1
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews December 29, 2017 1
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews December 31, 2017 1
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews December 30, 2017 1
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews December 29, 2017 1
In [18]:
# Check data
title text subject date isfake
44893 McPain: John McCain Furious That Iran Treated ... 21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported earl... Middle-east January 16, 2016 0
44894 JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-ac... 21st Century Wire says It s a familiar theme. ... Middle-east January 16, 2016 0
44895 Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to T... Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireRemember ... Middle-east January 15, 2016 0
44896 How to Blow $700 Million: Al Jazeera America F... 21st Century Wire says Al Jazeera America will... Middle-east January 14, 2016 0
44897 10 U.S. Navy Sailors Held by Iranian Military ... 21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE predicted in ... Middle-east January 12, 2016 0
In [19]:
# Drop column
df.drop(columns = ['date'], inplace = True)
In [20]:
# Combine title and text together
df['original'] = df['title'] + ' ' + df['text']
title text subject isfake original
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews 1 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t...
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews 1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o...
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews 1 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell...
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews 1 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat...
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews 1 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor...
In [21]:
# Check data sample
'As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip their fiscal script WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservative Republican faction in the U.S. Congress, who voted this month for a huge expansion of the national debt to pay for tax cuts, called himself a “fiscal conservative” on Sunday and urged budget restraint in 2018. In keeping with a sharp pivot under way among Republicans, U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” drew a hard line on federal spending, which lawmakers are bracing to do battle over in January. When they return from the holidays on Wednesday, lawmakers will begin trying to pass a federal budget in a fight likely to be linked to other issues, such as immigration policy, even as the November congressional election campaigns approach in which Republicans will seek to keep control of Congress. President Donald Trump and his Republicans want a big budget increase in military spending, while Democrats also want proportional increases for non-defense “discretionary” spending on programs that support education, scientific research, infrastructure, public health and environmental protection. “The (Trump) administration has already been willing to say: ‘We’re going to increase non-defense discretionary spending ... by about 7 percent,’” Meadows, chairman of the small but influential House Freedom Caucus, said on the program. “Now, Democrats are saying that’s not enough, we need to give the government a pay raise of 10 to 11 percent. For a fiscal conservative, I don’t see where the rationale is. ... Eventually you run out of other people’s money,” he said. Meadows was among Republicans who voted in late December for their party’s debt-financed tax overhaul, which is expected to balloon the federal budget deficit and add about $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the $20 trillion national debt. “It’s interesting to hear Mark talk about fiscal responsibility,” Democratic U.S. Representative Joseph Crowley said on CBS. Crowley said the Republican tax bill would require the  United States to borrow $1.5 trillion, to be paid off by future generations, to finance tax cuts for corporations and the rich. “This is one of the least ... fiscally responsible bills we’ve ever seen passed in the history of the House of Representatives. I think we’re going to be paying for this for many, many years to come,” Crowley said. Republicans insist the tax package, the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in more than 30 years,  will boost the economy and job growth. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who also supported the tax bill, recently went further than Meadows, making clear in a radio interview that welfare or “entitlement reform,” as the party often calls it, would be a top Republican priority in 2018. In Republican parlance, “entitlement” programs mean food stamps, housing assistance, Medicare and Medicaid health insurance for the elderly, poor and disabled, as well as other programs created by Washington to assist the needy. Democrats seized on Ryan’s early December remarks, saying they showed Republicans would try to pay for their tax overhaul by seeking spending cuts for social programs. But the goals of House Republicans may have to take a back seat to the Senate, where the votes of some Democrats will be needed to approve a budget and prevent a government shutdown. Democrats will use their leverage in the Senate, which Republicans narrowly control, to defend both discretionary non-defense programs and social spending, while tackling the issue of the “Dreamers,” people brought illegally to the country as children. Trump in September put a March 2018 expiration date on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, which protects the young immigrants from deportation and provides them with work permits. The president has said in recent Twitter messages he wants funding for his proposed Mexican border wall and other immigration law changes in exchange for agreeing to help the Dreamers. Representative Debbie Dingell told CBS she did not favor linking that issue to other policy objectives, such as wall funding. “We need to do DACA clean,” she said.  On Wednesday, Trump aides will meet with congressional leaders to discuss those issues. That will be followed by a weekend of strategy sessions for Trump and Republican leaders on Jan. 6 and 7, the White House said. Trump was also scheduled to meet on Sunday with Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott, who wants more emergency aid. The House has passed an $81 billion aid package after hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, and wildfires in California. The package far exceeded the $44 billion requested by the Trump administration. The Senate has not yet voted on the aid. '
In [22]:
# Check data sample
'U.S. military to accept transgender recruits on Monday: Pentagon WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will be allowed for the first time to enlist in the U.S. military starting on Monday as ordered by federal courts, the Pentagon said on Friday, after President Donald Trump’s administration decided not to appeal rulings that blocked his transgender ban. Two federal appeals courts, one in Washington and one in Virginia, last week rejected the administration’s request to put on hold orders by lower court judges requiring the military to begin accepting transgender recruits on Jan. 1. A Justice Department official said the administration will not challenge those rulings. “The Department of Defense has announced that it will be releasing an independent study of these issues in the coming weeks. So rather than litigate this interim appeal before that occurs, the administration has decided to wait for DOD’s study and will continue to defend the president’s lawful authority in District Court in the meantime,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. In September, the Pentagon said it had created a panel of senior officials to study how to implement a directive by Trump to prohibit transgender individuals from serving. The Defense Department has until Feb. 21 to submit a plan to Trump. Lawyers representing currently-serving transgender service members and aspiring recruits said they had expected the administration to appeal the rulings to the conservative-majority Supreme Court, but were hoping that would not happen. Pentagon spokeswoman Heather Babb said in a statement: “As mandated by court order, the Department of Defense is prepared to begin accessing transgender applicants for military service Jan. 1. All applicants must meet all accession standards.” Jennifer Levi, a lawyer with gay, lesbian and transgender advocacy group GLAD, called the decision not to appeal “great news.” “I’m hoping it means the government has come to see that there is no way to justify a ban and that it’s not good for the military or our country,” Levi said. Both GLAD and the American Civil Liberties Union represent plaintiffs in the lawsuits filed against the administration. In a move that appealed to his hard-line conservative supporters, Trump announced in July that he would prohibit transgender people from serving in the military, reversing Democratic President Barack Obama’s policy of accepting them. Trump said on Twitter at the time that the military “cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.” Four federal judges - in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Seattle and Riverside, California - have issued rulings blocking Trump’s ban while legal challenges to the Republican president’s policy proceed. The judges said the ban would likely violate the right under the U.S. Constitution to equal protection under the law. The Pentagon on Dec. 8 issued guidelines to recruitment personnel in order to enlist transgender applicants by Jan. 1. The memo outlined medical requirements and specified how the applicants’ sex would be identified and even which undergarments they would wear. The Trump administration previously said in legal papers that the armed forces were not prepared to train thousands of personnel on the medical standards needed to process transgender applicants and might have to accept “some individuals who are not medically fit for service.” The Obama administration had set a deadline of July 1, 2017, to begin accepting transgender recruits. But Trump’s defense secretary, James Mattis, postponed that date to Jan. 1, 2018, which the president’s ban then put off indefinitely. Trump has taken other steps aimed at rolling back transgender rights. In October, his administration said a federal law banning gender-based workplace discrimination does not protect transgender employees, reversing another Obama-era position. In February, Trump rescinded guidance issued by the Obama administration saying that public schools should allow transgender students to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. '
In [23]:
# Check data sample
'FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat tip-off: NYT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat in May 2016 that Russia had political dirt on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the New York Times reported on Saturday. The conversation between Papadopoulos and the diplomat, Alexander Downer, in London was a driving factor behind the FBI’s decision to open a counter-intelligence investigation of Moscow’s contacts with the Trump campaign, the Times reported. Two months after the meeting, Australian officials passed the information that came from Papadopoulos to their American counterparts when leaked Democratic emails began appearing online, according to the newspaper, which cited four current and former U.S. and foreign officials. Besides the information from the Australians, the probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation was also propelled by intelligence from other friendly governments, including the British and Dutch, the Times said. Papadopoulos, a Chicago-based international energy lawyer, pleaded guilty on Oct. 30 to lying to FBI agents about contacts with people who claimed to have ties to top Russian officials. It was the first criminal charge alleging links between the Trump campaign and Russia. The White House has played down the former aide’s campaign role, saying it was “extremely limited” and that any actions he took would have been on his own. The New York Times, however, reported that Papadopoulos helped set up a meeting between then-candidate Donald Trump and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and edited the outline of Trump’s first major foreign policy speech in April 2016. The federal investigation, which is now being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, has hung over Trump’s White House since he took office almost a year ago. Some Trump allies have recently accused Mueller’s team of being biased against the Republican president. Lawyers for Papadopoulos did not immediately respond to requests by Reuters for comment. Mueller’s office declined to comment. Trump’s White House attorney, Ty Cobb, declined to comment on the New York Times report. “Out of respect for the special counsel and his process, we are not commenting on matters such as this,” he said in a statement. Mueller has charged four Trump associates, including Papadopoulos, in his investigation. Russia has denied interfering in the U.S. election and Trump has said there was no collusion between his campaign and Moscow. '
In [24]:
# Download stopwords"stopwords")
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Joseff\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
In [25]:
# Obtain additional stopwords from nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
stop_words.extend(['from', 'subject', 're', 'edu', 'use'])
In [26]:
# Check stopwords
In [27]:
# Remove stopwords and remove words with 2 or less characters
def preprocess(text):
    result = []
    for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):
        if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS and len(token) > 3 and token not in stop_words:
    return result
In [28]:
# Apply the function to the dataframe
df['clean'] = df['original'].apply(preprocess)
In [29]:
# Check data
title text subject isfake original clean
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews 1 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... [budget, fight, looms, republicans, flip, fisc...
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews 1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... [military, accept, transgender, recruits, mond...
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews 1 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... [senior, republican, senator, mueller, washing...
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews 1 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... [russia, probe, helped, australian, diplomat, ...
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews 1 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... [trump, wants, postal, service, charge, amazon...
In [30]:
# Show original news
'As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip their fiscal script WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservative Republican faction in the U.S. Congress, who voted this month for a huge expansion of the national debt to pay for tax cuts, called himself a “fiscal conservative” on Sunday and urged budget restraint in 2018. In keeping with a sharp pivot under way among Republicans, U.S. Representative Mark Meadows, speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” drew a hard line on federal spending, which lawmakers are bracing to do battle over in January. When they return from the holidays on Wednesday, lawmakers will begin trying to pass a federal budget in a fight likely to be linked to other issues, such as immigration policy, even as the November congressional election campaigns approach in which Republicans will seek to keep control of Congress. President Donald Trump and his Republicans want a big budget increase in military spending, while Democrats also want proportional increases for non-defense “discretionary” spending on programs that support education, scientific research, infrastructure, public health and environmental protection. “The (Trump) administration has already been willing to say: ‘We’re going to increase non-defense discretionary spending ... by about 7 percent,’” Meadows, chairman of the small but influential House Freedom Caucus, said on the program. “Now, Democrats are saying that’s not enough, we need to give the government a pay raise of 10 to 11 percent. For a fiscal conservative, I don’t see where the rationale is. ... Eventually you run out of other people’s money,” he said. Meadows was among Republicans who voted in late December for their party’s debt-financed tax overhaul, which is expected to balloon the federal budget deficit and add about $1.5 trillion over 10 years to the $20 trillion national debt. “It’s interesting to hear Mark talk about fiscal responsibility,” Democratic U.S. Representative Joseph Crowley said on CBS. Crowley said the Republican tax bill would require the  United States to borrow $1.5 trillion, to be paid off by future generations, to finance tax cuts for corporations and the rich. “This is one of the least ... fiscally responsible bills we’ve ever seen passed in the history of the House of Representatives. I think we’re going to be paying for this for many, many years to come,” Crowley said. Republicans insist the tax package, the biggest U.S. tax overhaul in more than 30 years,  will boost the economy and job growth. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who also supported the tax bill, recently went further than Meadows, making clear in a radio interview that welfare or “entitlement reform,” as the party often calls it, would be a top Republican priority in 2018. In Republican parlance, “entitlement” programs mean food stamps, housing assistance, Medicare and Medicaid health insurance for the elderly, poor and disabled, as well as other programs created by Washington to assist the needy. Democrats seized on Ryan’s early December remarks, saying they showed Republicans would try to pay for their tax overhaul by seeking spending cuts for social programs. But the goals of House Republicans may have to take a back seat to the Senate, where the votes of some Democrats will be needed to approve a budget and prevent a government shutdown. Democrats will use their leverage in the Senate, which Republicans narrowly control, to defend both discretionary non-defense programs and social spending, while tackling the issue of the “Dreamers,” people brought illegally to the country as children. Trump in September put a March 2018 expiration date on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, which protects the young immigrants from deportation and provides them with work permits. The president has said in recent Twitter messages he wants funding for his proposed Mexican border wall and other immigration law changes in exchange for agreeing to help the Dreamers. Representative Debbie Dingell told CBS she did not favor linking that issue to other policy objectives, such as wall funding. “We need to do DACA clean,” she said.  On Wednesday, Trump aides will meet with congressional leaders to discuss those issues. That will be followed by a weekend of strategy sessions for Trump and Republican leaders on Jan. 6 and 7, the White House said. Trump was also scheduled to meet on Sunday with Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott, who wants more emergency aid. The House has passed an $81 billion aid package after hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico, and wildfires in California. The package far exceeded the $44 billion requested by the Trump administration. The Senate has not yet voted on the aid. '
In [31]:
# Show cleaned up news after removing stopwords
['budget', 'fight', 'looms', 'republicans', 'flip', 'fiscal', 'script', 'washington', 'reuters', 'head', 'conservative', 'republican', 'faction', 'congress', 'voted', 'month', 'huge', 'expansion', 'national', 'debt', 'cuts', 'called', 'fiscal', 'conservative', 'sunday', 'urged', 'budget', 'restraint', 'keeping', 'sharp', 'pivot', 'republicans', 'representative', 'mark', 'meadows', 'speaking', 'face', 'nation', 'drew', 'hard', 'line', 'federal', 'spending', 'lawmakers', 'bracing', 'battle', 'january', 'return', 'holidays', 'wednesday', 'lawmakers', 'begin', 'trying', 'pass', 'federal', 'budget', 'fight', 'likely', 'linked', 'issues', 'immigration', 'policy', 'november', 'congressional', 'election', 'campaigns', 'approach', 'republicans', 'seek', 'control', 'congress', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'republicans', 'want', 'budget', 'increase', 'military', 'spending', 'democrats', 'want', 'proportional', 'increases', 'defense', 'discretionary', 'spending', 'programs', 'support', 'education', 'scientific', 'research', 'infrastructure', 'public', 'health', 'environmental', 'protection', 'trump', 'administration', 'willing', 'going', 'increase', 'defense', 'discretionary', 'spending', 'percent', 'meadows', 'chairman', 'small', 'influential', 'house', 'freedom', 'caucus', 'said', 'program', 'democrats', 'saying', 'need', 'government', 'raise', 'percent', 'fiscal', 'conservative', 'rationale', 'eventually', 'people', 'money', 'said', 'meadows', 'republicans', 'voted', 'late', 'december', 'party', 'debt', 'financed', 'overhaul', 'expected', 'balloon', 'federal', 'budget', 'deficit', 'trillion', 'years', 'trillion', 'national', 'debt', 'interesting', 'hear', 'mark', 'talk', 'fiscal', 'responsibility', 'democratic', 'representative', 'joseph', 'crowley', 'said', 'crowley', 'said', 'republican', 'require', 'united', 'states', 'borrow', 'trillion', 'paid', 'future', 'generations', 'finance', 'cuts', 'corporations', 'rich', 'fiscally', 'responsible', 'bills', 'seen', 'passed', 'history', 'house', 'representatives', 'think', 'going', 'paying', 'years', 'come', 'crowley', 'said', 'republicans', 'insist', 'package', 'biggest', 'overhaul', 'years', 'boost', 'economy', 'growth', 'house', 'speaker', 'paul', 'ryan', 'supported', 'recently', 'went', 'meadows', 'making', 'clear', 'radio', 'interview', 'welfare', 'entitlement', 'reform', 'party', 'calls', 'republican', 'priority', 'republican', 'parlance', 'entitlement', 'programs', 'mean', 'food', 'stamps', 'housing', 'assistance', 'medicare', 'medicaid', 'health', 'insurance', 'elderly', 'poor', 'disabled', 'programs', 'created', 'washington', 'assist', 'needy', 'democrats', 'seized', 'ryan', 'early', 'december', 'remarks', 'saying', 'showed', 'republicans', 'overhaul', 'seeking', 'spending', 'cuts', 'social', 'programs', 'goals', 'house', 'republicans', 'seat', 'senate', 'votes', 'democrats', 'needed', 'approve', 'budget', 'prevent', 'government', 'shutdown', 'democrats', 'leverage', 'senate', 'republicans', 'narrowly', 'control', 'defend', 'discretionary', 'defense', 'programs', 'social', 'spending', 'tackling', 'issue', 'dreamers', 'people', 'brought', 'illegally', 'country', 'children', 'trump', 'september', 'march', 'expiration', 'date', 'deferred', 'action', 'childhood', 'arrivals', 'daca', 'program', 'protects', 'young', 'immigrants', 'deportation', 'provides', 'work', 'permits', 'president', 'said', 'recent', 'twitter', 'messages', 'wants', 'funding', 'proposed', 'mexican', 'border', 'wall', 'immigration', 'changes', 'exchange', 'agreeing', 'help', 'dreamers', 'representative', 'debbie', 'dingell', 'told', 'favor', 'linking', 'issue', 'policy', 'objectives', 'wall', 'funding', 'need', 'daca', 'clean', 'said', 'wednesday', 'trump', 'aides', 'meet', 'congressional', 'leaders', 'discuss', 'issues', 'followed', 'weekend', 'strategy', 'sessions', 'trump', 'republican', 'leaders', 'white', 'house', 'said', 'trump', 'scheduled', 'meet', 'sunday', 'florida', 'republican', 'governor', 'rick', 'scott', 'wants', 'emergency', 'house', 'passed', 'billion', 'package', 'hurricanes', 'florida', 'texas', 'puerto', 'rico', 'wildfires', 'california', 'package', 'exceeded', 'billion', 'requested', 'trump', 'administration', 'senate', 'voted']
In [32]:
# Obtain the total words present in the dataset
list_of_words = []
for i in df.clean:
    for j in i:
In [34]:
# Check data
In [35]:
# Check data length
In [36]:
# Obtain the total number of unique words
total_words = len(list(set(list_of_words)))

# Check data
In [37]:
# Join the words into a string
df['clean_joined'] = df['clean'].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x))

# Check data
title text subject isfake original clean clean_joined
0 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of a conservat... politicsNews 1 As U.S. budget fight looms, Republicans flip t... [budget, fight, looms, republicans, flip, fisc... budget fight looms republicans flip fiscal scr...
1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Transgender people will... politicsNews 1 U.S. military to accept transgender recruits o... [military, accept, transgender, recruits, mond... military accept transgender recruits monday pe...
2 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The special counsel inv... politicsNews 1 Senior U.S. Republican senator: 'Let Mr. Muell... [senior, republican, senator, mueller, washing... senior republican senator mueller washington r...
3 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Trump campaign adviser ... politicsNews 1 FBI Russia probe helped by Australian diplomat... [russia, probe, helped, australian, diplomat, ... russia probe helped australian diplomat washin...
4 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... SEATTLE/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donal... politicsNews 1 Trump wants Postal Service to charge 'much mor... [trump, wants, postal, service, charge, amazon... trump wants postal service charge amazon shipm...
In [38]:
# Check data
'budget fight looms republicans flip fiscal script washington reuters head conservative republican faction congress voted month huge expansion national debt cuts called fiscal conservative sunday urged budget restraint keeping sharp pivot republicans representative mark meadows speaking face nation drew hard line federal spending lawmakers bracing battle january return holidays wednesday lawmakers begin trying pass federal budget fight likely linked issues immigration policy november congressional election campaigns approach republicans seek control congress president donald trump republicans want budget increase military spending democrats want proportional increases defense discretionary spending programs support education scientific research infrastructure public health environmental protection trump administration willing going increase defense discretionary spending percent meadows chairman small influential house freedom caucus said program democrats saying need government raise percent fiscal conservative rationale eventually people money said meadows republicans voted late december party debt financed overhaul expected balloon federal budget deficit trillion years trillion national debt interesting hear mark talk fiscal responsibility democratic representative joseph crowley said crowley said republican require united states borrow trillion paid future generations finance cuts corporations rich fiscally responsible bills seen passed history house representatives think going paying years come crowley said republicans insist package biggest overhaul years boost economy growth house speaker paul ryan supported recently went meadows making clear radio interview welfare entitlement reform party calls republican priority republican parlance entitlement programs mean food stamps housing assistance medicare medicaid health insurance elderly poor disabled programs created washington assist needy democrats seized ryan early december remarks saying showed republicans overhaul seeking spending cuts social programs goals house republicans seat senate votes democrats needed approve budget prevent government shutdown democrats leverage senate republicans narrowly control defend discretionary defense programs social spending tackling issue dreamers people brought illegally country children trump september march expiration date deferred action childhood arrivals daca program protects young immigrants deportation provides work permits president said recent twitter messages wants funding proposed mexican border wall immigration changes exchange agreeing help dreamers representative debbie dingell told favor linking issue policy objectives wall funding need daca clean said wednesday trump aides meet congressional leaders discuss issues followed weekend strategy sessions trump republican leaders white house said trump scheduled meet sunday florida republican governor rick scott wants emergency house passed billion package hurricanes florida texas puerto rico wildfires california package exceeded billion requested trump administration senate voted'
In [39]:
# Check data
'military accept transgender recruits monday pentagon washington reuters transgender people allowed time enlist military starting monday ordered federal courts pentagon said friday president donald trump administration decided appeal rulings blocked transgender federal appeals courts washington virginia week rejected administration request hold orders lower court judges requiring military begin accepting transgender recruits justice department official said administration challenge rulings department defense announced releasing independent study issues coming weeks litigate interim appeal occurs administration decided wait study continue defend president lawful authority district court meantime official said speaking condition anonymity september pentagon said created panel senior officials study implement directive trump prohibit transgender individuals serving defense department submit plan trump lawyers representing currently serving transgender service members aspiring recruits said expected administration appeal rulings conservative majority supreme court hoping happen pentagon spokeswoman heather babb said statement mandated court order department defense prepared begin accessing transgender applicants military service applicants meet accession standards jennifer levi lawyer lesbian transgender advocacy group glad called decision appeal great news hoping means government come justify good military country levi said glad american civil liberties union represent plaintiffs lawsuits filed administration appealed hard line conservative supporters trump announced july prohibit transgender people serving military reversing democratic president barack obama policy accepting trump said twitter time military burdened tremendous medical costs disruption transgender military entail federal judges baltimore washington seattle riverside california issued rulings blocking trump legal challenges republican president policy proceed judges said likely violate right constitution equal protection pentagon issued guidelines recruitment personnel order enlist transgender applicants memo outlined medical requirements specified applicants identified undergarments wear trump administration previously said legal papers armed forces prepared train thousands personnel medical standards needed process transgender applicants accept individuals medically service obama administration deadline july begin accepting transgender recruits trump defense secretary james mattis postponed date president indefinitely trump taken steps aimed rolling transgender rights october administration said federal banning gender based workplace discrimination protect transgender employees reversing obama position february trump rescinded guidance issued obama administration saying public schools allow transgender students restroom corresponds gender identity'
In [40]:
# Check data
'senior republican senator mueller washington reuters special counsel investigation links russia president trump election campaign continue interference despite calls trump administration allies republican lawmakers shut prominent republican senator said sunday lindsey graham serves senate armed forces judiciary committees said department justice special counsel robert mueller needs carry russia investigation political interference investigation forward investigation conducted political influence graham said face nation news program need mueller think right right time question russia interfered election trump campaign links ordinated effort loomed white house trump took office january shows sign receding trump prepares second year power despite intensified rhetoric trump allies recent weeks accusing mueller team bias republican president trump undercut supporters interview week york times said expected mueller going fair russia role election question possible links trump campaign focus multiple inquiries washington committees senate house representatives investigating mueller team took earlier probe launched federal bureau investigation members trump campaign administration convicted indicted investigation trump allies deny collusion russia campaign kremlin denied meddling election graham said wants examination dossier links trump russia compiled british christopher steele prompted trump allies republicans question mueller inquiry saturday york times reported dossier triggered early probe trump campaign foreign policy adviser george papadopoulos australian diplomat russia damaging information trump rival hillary clinton want somebody look department justice dossier bothers greatly want somebody look graham said said russia investigation continue matter fact hurt ignored said'

Data Visualization

In [42]:
# Plot the number of samples in 'subject'
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
sns.countplot(y = "subject", data = df)
In [43]:
# Plot the count plot for fake vs. true news
plt.figure(figsize = (8, 8))
sns.countplot(y = "isfake", data = df)
In [47]:
# plot the word cloud for text that is Real
plt.figure(figsize = (20,20)) 
wc = WordCloud(max_words = 2000 , width = 1600 , height = 800 , stopwords = stop_words).generate(" ".join(df[df.isfake == 1].clean_joined))
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation = 'bilinear')
In [48]:
# plot the word cloud for text that is Fake
plt.figure(figsize = (20,20)) 
wc = WordCloud(max_words = 2000 , width = 1600 , height = 800 , stopwords = stop_words).generate(" ".join(df[df.isfake == 0].clean_joined))
plt.imshow(wc, interpolation = 'bilinear')
In [46]:
# length of maximum document will be needed to create word embeddings 
maxlen = -1
for doc in df.clean_joined:
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(doc)
        maxlen = len(tokens)
print("The maximum number of words in any document is =", maxlen)
The maximum number of words in any document is = 4405
In [49]:
# visualize the distribution of number of words in a text
import as px
fig = px.histogram(x = [len(nltk.word_tokenize(x)) for x in df.clean_joined], nbins = 100)

Tokenization And Padding

In [50]:
# split data into test and train 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df.clean_joined, df.isfake, test_size = 0.2)
In [51]:
# Import library
from nltk import word_tokenize

# Create a tokenizer to tokenize the words and create sequences of tokenized words
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words = total_words)
train_sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(x_train)
test_sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(x_test)
In [52]:
# Check the tokenzed format
print("The encoding for document\n",df.clean_joined[0],"\n is : ",train_sequences[0])
The encoding for document
 budget fight looms republicans flip fiscal script washington reuters head conservative republican faction congress voted month huge expansion national debt cuts called fiscal conservative sunday urged budget restraint keeping sharp pivot republicans representative mark meadows speaking face nation drew hard line federal spending lawmakers bracing battle january return holidays wednesday lawmakers begin trying pass federal budget fight likely linked issues immigration policy november congressional election campaigns approach republicans seek control congress president donald trump republicans want budget increase military spending democrats want proportional increases defense discretionary spending programs support education scientific research infrastructure public health environmental protection trump administration willing going increase defense discretionary spending percent meadows chairman small influential house freedom caucus said program democrats saying need government raise percent fiscal conservative rationale eventually people money said meadows republicans voted late december party debt financed overhaul expected balloon federal budget deficit trillion years trillion national debt interesting hear mark talk fiscal responsibility democratic representative joseph crowley said crowley said republican require united states borrow trillion paid future generations finance cuts corporations rich fiscally responsible bills seen passed history house representatives think going paying years come crowley said republicans insist package biggest overhaul years boost economy growth house speaker paul ryan supported recently went meadows making clear radio interview welfare entitlement reform party calls republican priority republican parlance entitlement programs mean food stamps housing assistance medicare medicaid health insurance elderly poor disabled programs created washington assist needy democrats seized ryan early december remarks saying showed republicans overhaul seeking spending cuts social programs goals house republicans seat senate votes democrats needed approve budget prevent government shutdown democrats leverage senate republicans narrowly control defend discretionary defense programs social spending tackling issue dreamers people brought illegally country children trump september march expiration date deferred action childhood arrivals daca program protects young immigrants deportation provides work permits president said recent twitter messages wants funding proposed mexican border wall immigration changes exchange agreeing help dreamers representative debbie dingell told favor linking issue policy objectives wall funding need daca clean said wednesday trump aides meet congressional leaders discuss issues followed weekend strategy sessions trump republican leaders white house said trump scheduled meet sunday florida republican governor rick scott wants emergency house passed billion package hurricanes florida texas puerto rico wildfires california package exceeded billion requested trump administration senate voted 
 is :  [785, 963, 24, 17202, 16561, 2064, 201, 960, 170, 132, 27, 98, 1899, 109, 1, 762, 1921, 946, 1, 159, 679, 1984, 107, 684, 1122, 13374, 1746, 19601, 27, 43, 785, 963, 24, 17202, 16561, 2064, 4, 4003, 2109, 53, 466, 35, 3168, 304, 39, 10299, 10300, 794, 30, 352, 672, 314, 417, 2672, 35, 651, 97, 126, 6, 24, 41, 4417, 671, 1614, 17, 444, 675, 489, 38233, 1, 159, 822, 3455, 881, 1218, 1645, 959, 3506, 18, 18716, 574, 339, 214, 12607, 201, 84, 4863, 35, 651, 228, 18716, 574, 21, 110, 5683, 1027, 4961, 20097, 903, 1344, 339, 214, 8457, 2176, 785, 963, 2566, 299, 574, 281, 553, 14549, 201, 259, 669, 467, 132, 2318, 10386, 2800, 2001, 1318, 6724, 70, 5461, 10684, 2069, 67, 179, 1762, 785, 963, 18716, 21, 2602, 170, 132, 2196, 18716, 18716, 339, 2203, 1585, 1493, 13717, 6426, 6517, 467, 132, 1486, 1027, 4909, 945, 7719, 3606, 90, 2012, 170, 132, 467, 132, 3722, 5644, 170, 132, 628, 500, 10208, 500, 946, 352, 111, 11, 1762, 586, 1486, 32477, 2222, 889, 3375, 170, 132, 500, 12608, 500, 170, 3489, 182, 2109, 3376, 1174, 425, 467, 132, 3930, 16, 12, 354, 26, 43, 1486, 2, 6057, 362, 10301, 17913, 4146, 3723, 865, 8974, 4499, 6840, 21191, 18716, 5534, 1486, 1002, 4961, 785, 12753, 1486, 9163, 3489, 132, 1762, 46, 201, 5389, 4, 274, 1340, 1926, 259, 669, 467, 132, 2318, 10386, 2800, 5461, 10684, 1762, 12, 278, 386, 2490]
In [53]:
# Add padding can either be maxlen = 4406 or smaller number maxlen = 40 seems to work well based on results
padded_train = pad_sequences(train_sequences,maxlen = 40, padding = 'post', truncating = 'post')
padded_test = pad_sequences(test_sequences,maxlen = 40, truncating = 'post') 
In [54]:
for i,doc in enumerate(padded_train[:2]):
     print("The padded encoding for document",i+1," is : ",doc)
The padded encoding for document 1  is :  [  785   963    24 17202 16561  2064   201   960   170   132    27    98
  1899   109     1   762  1921   946     1   159   679  1984   107   684
  1122 13374  1746 19601    27    43   785   963    24 17202 16561  2064
     4  4003  2109    53]
The padded encoding for document 2  is :  [ 3128  5031  3096   205    10    27  3629   690   112  5130    10     1
  3051 30441   822   539  3629 20098    45   387  4374  8849   132   622
  1627 11967  3128  5031    78   235   205    10     1  5031 20098     1
  1194   250   112   462]

Recurrent Neural Network Model (LSTM)

In [55]:
# Sequential Model
model = Sequential()

# embeddidng layer
model.add(Embedding(total_words, output_dim = 128))
# model.add(Embedding(total_words, output_dim = 240))

# Bi-Directional RNN and LSTM

# Dense layers
model.add(Dense(128, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(1,activation= 'sigmoid'))
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['acc'])
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding (Embedding)        (None, None, 128)         13914112  
bidirectional (Bidirectional (None, 256)               263168    
dense (Dense)                (None, 128)               32896     
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 129       
Total params: 14,210,305
Trainable params: 14,210,305
Non-trainable params: 0
In [56]:
# Check total number of words
In [57]:
# Transform into array
y_train = np.asarray(y_train)
In [58]:
# Train the model, y_train, batch_size = 64, validation_split = 0.1, epochs = 2)
Epoch 1/2
506/506 [==============================] - 538s 1s/step - loss: 0.0406 - acc: 0.9857 - val_loss: 0.0125 - val_acc: 0.9981
Epoch 2/2
506/506 [==============================] - 493s 975ms/step - loss: 0.0026 - acc: 0.9994 - val_loss: 0.0079 - val_acc: 0.9983
<tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.History at 0x229900e4ee0>

Model Evaluation

In [59]:
# Make prediction
pred = model.predict(padded_test)
In [60]:
# If the predicted value is >0.5 it is real else it is fake
prediction = []
for i in range(len(pred)):
    if pred[i].item() > 0.5:
In [61]:
# Getting the accuracy
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

accuracy = accuracy_score(list(y_test), prediction)

print("Model Accuracy : ", accuracy)
Model Accuracy :  0.9983296213808464
In [64]:
# Get the confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(list(y_test), prediction)
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 15))
sns.heatmap(cm, annot = True)
In [65]:
# Category dictionary
category = { 0: 'Fake News', 1 : "Real News"}


It turns out this architecture works well for fake news detection. The advantage of recurrent neural network is that the performance time is much shorter, while the performance remains the same. This architecture is useful in other Natural Language Classification tasks as well. The model gives good results in Toxic comment classification as well as sentiment analysis.